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Friday, August 5, 2011

everyday is shining day...dont be so pesimistic

i know u guys wondering why i always post about dis topic...but if u read all my post u'll realize that i am a pesimistic person...i always talk to myself not to worry about anything happens...bit i cant...even that thing is not happen to me...the worriness is surrounded me...2 b d worse..i also predict the bad thing in future...i never predict a good thing...sometimes i think that i'm not a thankful person n not realized that anything happens is written in qada n qadar of Allah s.w.t..2 live happily i must make myself happy first...2 make myself happy i must be POSITIVE...

"setiap sesuatu itu ada hikmah dibelakangnya...walau betapa buruk keputusan yang diterima tetap terus menghadapinya...biar betapa banyak dugaan dan kegagalan yang melanda tetap terus tersenyum..hikmah yang kita terima tak semestinya kita sedari..dan tak semestinya dalam waktu yang hampir...pasti kita akan tersenyum puas sebulan, setahun, 10 tahun atau 20 tahun akan datang..jadilah seorang yang berfikiran luas dan tak takut kegagalan.."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

yakin pada setiap hikmah y xdisedari....

why we always regretting for every single thing that hv been done?....haven't we know that there will be a shining star utk stiap atuuran hidup y xspt dihrpkan i2....kter just kena yakin jer trhdap sebuah kputusan i2 w'pown ia amat memeritkn....but it must start with usaha....if after we tried n put all of our effort but still the result is unwanted so percaya la....msti ade sesuatu hikmah dr Allah y kter xtau...let's say, there is a person who hv study hard n xpernh lwan or ngumpat cikgu dier....but end up result dier truk jgak n org byak ngata like "dia ni baek jer lbey n study very hard tp result dia truk dr kter in fact lg truk dr kter y jhat ni korg xplik ker..." if prkara 2 jd kat kter msti kter akn pk mane hikmah dia kan n akn putus harapan kan...jika kter ade perasaan cam2 mksudnya kter x berpk tntg hikmah2 y tersembunyi...nape kter xnk pk camni...

  • kalo kter berjaya msti kter da ade persaan bgga diri n myb kter da xsebaek dulu da...
  • Allah sengaja nk mnmbah pahala kter sbg seorg hamba y bersabar n pahala dr org y mngata kter 2..
  • mgkin ini cara utk kiter menginsafi diri y sesuatu i2 bkan dr usaha kter 100%....kter msti juga kena yakin pada Qada' n Qadar
  • Allah sgat syg pada kter n xnk kter lupe diri...sbb Allah tahu aturan hidup kter...
  • n smua y positif2
u might say talking is easier than doing but why not we try to change our mentality...its hard to be a positive person...i admit it bcoz i'm d one who always see something at a negative way...that why i afraid to dream s/thing i think i'll never achieved...n i afraid n pk its not suitable 4 me to chill up 4 s/thing i've been achieved while thinking my closed family or friend especially my family do not hv it....n that why my closed friends always see me in "not in mood" mode....cntohya jika arini sy risau camne sy nk wat itu dan ini sya akn ilg mood...but when i hv succeeded i will think "mmg la aku da berjy tp si polan itu ini still xdpat lg ape y aku dpat ni" dsbbkn i2 mode y suppose 2 b happy 2 bertukar pd rase simpati y teramat n mmbntutkn x suker....but i keep trying to be a positive...n berjaya la skit tuk cheer up again...w.pon simpati n riisau pd s/body 2 still lg ade...n now i'll train myself to be a positive btul ke kter xley berangan y lebih2 sbb kter akn dpat y sbb 2 sy xberani tuk bermimpi kejayaan...i prefer 2 think aper hikmah2 y akn sy peroleh jika sy gagal rather than what i'll do if i succeed...just wondering...

Friday, January 28, 2011

what r u waiting 4....

assalamualaikum's quite a long time i didn't post anything here...not bcoz I'm bz with my internship but it's due to some technical error that made me can't connect to this alam maya....hihihihihihi..
"what r u waiting 4!!!!!!!!!!"sounds interesting kan...just wondering why people always refuse 2 change to a better life by relying n can say believing 2 much to the word "tak sampai seru lagi"...
hv we never heard that there is 1 dalil ALLAH s.w.t (which I forgot the surah's name) which is "ALLAH tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu selagi mane mereka tak merubahnya"..
so, if we want to change we need to change it ourselves...n if we hv that kind of determination i believe ALLAH will help us...everything starts from us..why we need to wait until the seru???do we ever think if the seru never come 2 that time we r too late 2 change...remember setiap ari pasti kter akn melakukn makin lmbat kter berubah makin byak DOSA2 y akan kter kumpul...we dunno n cant accurately predict what will happen long we live in this world....what if we DIE rite after this...i even dont hv a gut to imagine..we need to change ourselves...ALLAH pasti akan bersama dgan kter kalo kiter beazam tuk berubah kepada kebaikan...
i also want to change some ways of my life...i want to be a good n faith slave...n sometimes i can feel the dorongan n pertolongan dari ALLAh s.w.t...but maybe bcoz my egoism that i cant let go...i dont follow the instinct/ilham...i'm regret now i keep tryimg to improve n change myself..hya dgan keinginan saje ALLAH da beri petunjuk....inikan pula kalo kter cuba melakukannya....i believe we can completely change the dark side of us...but maybe bcoz my egoism that i cant let go...i dont follow the instinct/ilham...i'm regret now i keep tryimg to improve n change myself....if we need to be hypocrite...just do it bcoz i believe satu hari hipokrasi itu akan berubah kpd keikhlasan...bile kter da biasa melakukannya kter akan mmberi hati kepadanya....

Friday, December 17, 2010

some quotes to pamper ourselves....

i always regretting myself...i keep blaming n blaming myself for e/thing...i dont realize that e/thing happen 4 a reason...Allah would not test HIS slave w/out a reason...bcoz of that i always be "not in mood" mode....n suddenly i feel like i want 2 read a book of Dr. 'Aidh B Abdullah al-Qarni "Jangan Bersedih-Jadilah Wanita y Plg Bahagia" that i bought a long time ago but never finish it...there i found many2 valuable n touchable quotes that sometimes i feel like it reflecting i wanna share some of it with u all........

  • kebahagiaan adalah spt mawar y dtanam....tidak lgsung berbunga sebaik shj dtanam...ttp ia pasti akan berbunga suatu hari..

  • Jgn tujukan pndangan anda ke sudut2 y buruk dr kehidupan ini...ttp tujukanlah kpd sudut2 y indah.

  • kenyataan y tidak boleh dhindari harus dterima...jika engkau gelisah sbb kenyataan i2....apa ertinya kegelisahan i2...

  • Agar mnjadi seorg wanita y cntik....berfikirlah y positif.

  • Benteng y plg kuat adalah wanita solehah.

  • kehidupan y sebenarnya adlh apa y djalani oleh seseorg setiap saatnya....

  • kenanglah semua kejayaan n kegembiraan i2 n lupakanlah kesulitan n bencana....

  • lidah y keji akn lbih hanya mmberikn kesan buruk kpd pelakunya drpd y dterima oleh mangsanya.....

  • Allah memafkan apa y telah lalu...

  • esok akn merekah bunga y harum baunya tuk mengusir segala kesedihan n mnjdi pghibur hati....

  • hitunglah nikmat Allah y dianugerahkankpd mudbg ganti dr mghtung penderitaanmu....

  • sakit y tmbul oleh kata2 y melalui perasaan tidak dpat dbayangkan rasanya....

i guess it's enough 4 u all to comfort or make it as daily words....i regaining my mood n stop blaming myself bcoz of those words...

Friday, October 22, 2010

put your ego your heart....

want 2 study but my mind so miserable....asyik mengenang dosa2 lalu aje...baru faham nape bile berdoa kite akan sebut hamba y hina n dina ni...sebab kite mmg byak dosa....xtau la org len tp i admit really admit y sy byak dosa...dosa pada manusia, haiwan2, alam dosa pada Allah, masyaAllah xusah ckap...mmg xterkata byak nya...aku sllu pk apakah amalan aku dterima Allah?????????....perkara y pling aku kesalkan (aku rse mmg antara penyumbang dosa y terbyak) ialah aku xpernah nk amalkan "amal ma'ruf nahi mun'kar"....i can feel d burden of this sin when i know i'm not do that....pas2 aku akan rse nyesal y sgat2....especially when it involves my beloved pesons...i love them but when i can't tell them it feels like i dont love them....aku tau the feeling comes from the sin....n aku tau aku juga ade wat byak dosa len...impian aku ingin jd wanita solehah y dpat menjaga pertuturan, tgkah laku, ibadah, maruah diri. dlam smua2 ni y pling ssah tuk alu laksanakan adlah melaksanakan ibadah dgan smpurna....specially solat dgan pnuh kekhusyukan...adakah solat kiter dterima jika tidak khusyu'?...always worrying about that...n 1 more thing is my maruah diri...maruah diri ini bkan hya terletak pd percakapan dan tgkah ia lbey kepada bagaimana kite mmbawa diri kita....pakaian....we can't say a person who wearing a loose jeans, loose blouse or refuse to wear pants is an outdated person. they are always be guarded by Malaikat..they are foolowing the Shariah...we can never left behind our shariah...but me????...why i cant be a part of them???? i really2 hope that i can be like them...especially when it comes to aurat...i try to keep it all the times when i'm around with my "bukan mahram". but sometimes i failed...there is some situations i can't fulfill it...that is my fault...aku lbey bsarkan ego aku drpada perasaan dosa....betapa besarnya dosa aku ni...sekarg bile aku rse diri x tenang, solat ssah nk khusyu', sllu ade problem, n ssah nk wat ibadah sunat, aku akn pk kan perkara2 ni....mmg sng nk menyesal tp utk kiter wat correction tuk sesalan kter 2 mmg ssah....aku smpai arini xberubah....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

a punishment or a gift

what the relation between them....people nowadays tend to think that they have been punished for their wrongdoing if they experience any bad day (a.k.a karma)...but do they really been punished....for me if this happen, it means that Allah want 2 give us some gift that we never know when it'll be...if i think like that i can further my day life without blaming myself or my fate...because i know there will be a wonderful secret beside. i'm not a very good person but i know Allah will never leave His slaves alone and face a trial that they dont have effort to bear it eventhough we are very2 sinful slaves...all His arrangements is the best for us...if u think like this, im sure u will get ur strength to go on..

karma???...i'm not so sure wheter we as a Muslim can believe it...somebody who knows about it please help me...yes i admit there is a saying " what goes around comes around"...but i'm just think it is a fate...not a punishment...what do you think???

Friday, August 6, 2010

Insya Allah
Album :
Munsyid : Maher Zain

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go
Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that its way too late
Your`re so confused,wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray
You`re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way 2x
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah we`ll find the way
this time i would like 2 share InsyaAllah's lyric by maher zain....